Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mrs. Marone's Students Learn the Meaning of Thankfulness

Mrs. Marone's fourth grade students in the media center this week are doing expository writing to explore intrinsic things they are thankful for. We are starting off with a poem and an eBook on the smartboard followed by turn-and-talk discussions. The students will be using a graphic organizer and working on including both a topic and concluding sentence and using transition words in their paragraphs. They will be showing evidence or details to support what they are thankful for. It will be a quick read/write in the media center to connect with our literacy initiatives as well as American culture.

Ms. Puglissi's 3rd Grade Students Make Thanksgiving Harmony and Support PBIS

Third grade students from Ms. Mohr's class wrote their own Thanksgiving Day song with their music teacher, Ms. Puglissi.  These students also performed for the entire school as we celebrated the culmination of our "Dayton Cares" Thanksgiving Food Drive.  Ms. Puglissi's class recently updated their bulletin board to support our PBIS initiative.  Below are the lyrics and a video of the children performing:
The Ten Days of Thanksgiving
On the first day of Thanksgiving, this is what I ate:
Some turkey on my plate.
On the second day of Thanksgiving, this is what I ate:
Two cobs of corn and some turkey on my plate.
On the third day of Thanksgiving, this is what I ate:
Three mashed potatoes,
two cobs of corn and some turkey on my plate.
On the fourth day of Thanksgiving, this is what I ate:
Four heaps of green beans,
three mashed potatoes,
two cobs of corn and some turkey on my plate.
On the fifth day of Thanksgiving, this is what I ate:
Five golden rolls!
four heaps of green beans,
three mashed potatoes,
two cobs of corn and some turkey on my plate.
On the sixth day of Thanksgiving, this is what I ate:
Six scoops of stuffing,
five golden rolls!
four heaps of green beans,
three mashed potatoes,
two cobs of corn and some turkey on my plate.
On the seventh day of Thanksgiving, this is what I ate:
Seven sips of soup,
six scoops of stuffing,
five golden rolls!
four heaps of green beans,
three mashed potatoes,
two cobs of corn and some turkey on my plate.
On the eighth day of Thanksgiving, this is what I ate:
Eight cups of eggnog,
seven sips of soup,
six scoops of stuffing,
five golden rolls!
four heaps of green beans,
three mashed potatoes,
two cobs of corn and some turkey on my plate.
On the ninth day of Thanksgiving, this is what I ate:
Nine cranberries,
eight cups of eggnog,
seven sips of soup,
six scoops of stuffing,
five golden rolls!
four heaps of green beans,
three mashed potatoes,
two cobs of corn and some turkey on my plate.
On the tenth day of Thanksgiving, this is what I ate:
Ten pumpkin pies,
nine cranberries,
eight cups of eggnog,
seven sips of soup,
six scoops of stuffing,
five golden rolls!
four heaps of green beans,
three mashed potatoes,
two cobs of corn and some turkey on my plate.

Mummifying "King Cluck Tut" in 6th Grade Science

Last week, Mr. Dippel’s Class and Mrs. Montreuil’s class mummified a chicken Mrs. Grieco showed both classes a demonstration on the entire process from embalming to mummifying. The students were able to watch the process. This entire process will take 70 days and will end with the revealing of “King Cluck Tut’s” Body and wrapping of the body.  Students will be making amulets to bury with the body as well as building a sarcophagus and pyramid to lay the body in.  This week students are mummifying apples – using different types of salts (natron) to see which salt preserves the apple the best.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mrs. Brown's Class Differentiating Instruction in Social Studies

Students in Mrs. Brown’s Social Studies class recently investigated the history of Native Americans,  utilizing a four square instructional approach taught to faculty by Judy Dodge.  Students read articles and books; examined diagrams, pictures, political cartoons, graphs and timelines.  Students were given choice in demonstrating their mastery of content, which included, flip books, venn diagrams, pictures using hash tags, poems and creative articles.  

A Most Monstrous Day of Learning in Mrs. Smith's Class

Professor Bludengutz (a.k.a. Mrs. Smith) conducted two full days of scientific experiments aligned with the 5th grade science curriculum.  Students made observations in an egg experiment that included measurement and determination of mass.  Students experimented with microscopes, volume and liquids, examination of skeletons, and a buoyancy lab.  These hands-on activities were rigorous, meaningful and relevant for all involved.  

Friday, November 8, 2013

Mrs. Tester's Class celebrates Autumn in Mathematical Style

Students in Mrs. Tester's class made place value pumpkins to demonstrate their understanding of numbers in standard, expanded, and word form.