Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dayton Avenue Cares - Animal Shelter Pet Food and Toy Drive

The Dayton Avenue School is implementing service learning throughout the curriculum. We have identified ten community outreach projects this year. These projects will establish the foundation for our service learning curriculum. We are beginning the year with an Animal Shelter-Pet Food and Toy Drive. All donations will be delivered to shelters in the Eastport South-Manor area. Students in one of Ms. Puglissi's third grade music classes wrote and performed the Pet Song to promote our initiative. Ms. Puglissi was accompanied by our Orchestra teacher Ms. Macleod. From the writing, learning, and performing of the song kids took an active part in our community outreach and extended it into what they are learning in the classroom. Great job by all involved. Below are lyrics:


Pets, Pets 

Pets, pets, we love them you see. If you like helping pets come share with me. Dog, cat, big or small, come help our pets, we love them all!

Pets, pets, we love them you see. Let’s come together, build strong community. Student, teacher, family and friend, let’s come together, our love we will send! 

Pets, pets we love them you see. We are their voice, they need our help you see. Dog, cat, big or small, come help out pets, we love them all! 

Come help our pets, we love them all! Come help our pets, we love them all! 


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