Friday, September 29, 2017

4th Grade Students Being Proactive

Students in Mrs. McGinness and Mrs. Campbell's class read aloud "Stand Tall Molly Lou Mellon" as part of our 7 Habits of Happy Kids initiative.  Students examine ways in which one can be proactive or reactive.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Dayton Avenue School Open House

Dayton Avenue School celebrates with our DAS families as we enjoy our annual Open House.

Positive Cheer in Cafeteria

Dr. Christie hanging out with boys from Mrs. McGinness, Mrs. Campbell, and Ms. Jamotta's class during lunch. Taking a break from the serious decisions that are made running a school to enjoy time with friends.

Vocabulary Acquisition in Science

Students in Mrs. Smith's class acquire academic vocabulary in science by collaborating with one discern meaning of content specific concepts. 

6th Grade Science Lab

Students in Mrs. Montreuil, Mrs. Grieco, and Mrs. Skidmore's class complete a weathering and erosion activity in science class.  Students observed the impact that water has on a Skittle.  The Skittle replicated the earth while the water interacting with the skittle caused mechanical and chemical weathering. 

Friday, September 22, 2017

Mrs. Defeo's Class Participates in a Carousel Activity

Students in Mrs. Defeo's class work collaboratively as they complete a carousel activity with one another.  This is one of the many differentiated strategies Mrs. Defeo utilizes to support her students.

Team Building in Mrs. McGinness and Mrs. Campbell's Class

The students in Mrs. McGinness and Mrs. Campbell’s room engaged in a team building cup stacking activity.  Students worked in groups to come up with a way to make the tallest tower with 50 cups. Through cooperation, collaboration and team work, groups were able to construct a tower and accept other’s ideas through trial and errors.  Students brought their own individual plans to discuss with the team before drawing a group plan. 

Teaming Building in Mrs. Bobal, Mr. Edwards, and Ms. Brandine's Classroom

Students applied The 6th Habit of Happy Kids as they created synergy and built relationships with one another during the Marshmallow Tower activity.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Dayton Avenue School Hollywood Walk of Reading Fame Summer Celebration

Boys and girls at Dayton Avenue School walked the red carpet in recognition of their participation in our Hollywood Walk of Fame Summer Reading Celebration.  Our students who participated read over 60,000 minutes.  Students completed a culminating project and read over 1000 minutes to walk the read carpet.  Great job and stay tuned for our video later today.  

4th Grade Students Integrate Technology in Science

Students in Mrs. Arroyo's class are learning about the scientific method through peardeck. Utilizing this online platform integrated with Google Classroom the teacher and students can develop video questions that can be multiple choice, short answer or drawn.  This is a great tool for formative assessment.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Literacy Collaborative Training

Mrs. Zambelli facilitated our first Literacy Collaborative training of the year.  Joined by Dr. Grimaldi faculty examined the writing curriculum supported by Teachers College Reading and Writing Project.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

6th Grade Team Building

Students in Mrs. Montreuil, Mrs. Grieco, and Mrs. Skidmore's class completed a museum walk in class to get to know one another.  They also played a Welcome to 6th grade Kahoot.

Monday, September 11, 2017

6th Grade Students Examine Mechanical Weathering

Students in Mrs. Montreuil, Mrs. Grieco, and Mrs. Skidmore's class examine mechanical weathering in science.

9/11 A National Day of Service and Remembrance

Students in 5th and 6th grade chorus sang God Bless America following a moment of silence as Dayton Avenue School commemorated 9/11.

3rd Grade Students Explore the Courtyard

Students in Mrs. Kerins' class deepen their understanding of the Scientific Method by exploring in the Dayton Avenue School courtyard.

Getting to Know You!

Mrs. McGinness and her class were sharing their "People's Choice" bags.  The students' bags were filled with five items from home that the students chose to showcase their talents and interests.  The students learned more about each other and their common interests.

Friday, September 8, 2017

3rd Grade Art

Students in 3rd grade experience art for the first time at Dayton Avenue School.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

4th Grade Students Introduced to Google Classroom

Students in Mrs. Arroyo's class are introduced to the collaborative power of Google Classroom.  We look forward to providing feedback to students utilizing this powerful platform.

Principal's Call of the Week!

Sixth grade student Lucas Flore earned the Principal's Call of the Week for his demonstrating kindness to a classmate.  In a letter I wrote to Lucas I shared with him Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's quote, "Behavior Is A Mirror, In Which Everyone Shows His Image." Lucas demonstrated the qualities we reinforce daily in our Positive Behavior Intervention and Support structure.

Practice Makes Perfect During First Fire Drill.

Pictured are our newly minted 3rd grade students at Dayton Avenue School participating in their first fire drill.  I commended all the boys and girls for doing a great job. In the upcoming weeks we will continue to practice our various emergency response drills.

Introducing Readers and Writers Workshop

Students in Mrs. Lukas, Mr. Edwards, and Ms. Brandine's class are introduced to Readers and Writers workshop in 5th grade.

Independent Reading during Workshop

Students in Mrs. Bobal, Mr. Edwards, and Ms. Brandine's class engage in reflecting on their reading through the use of post-it notes during workshop.

Board of Education Visits Dayton Avenue School!

Faculty, staff, and students from Dayton Avenue School were pleased to welcome member of our Board of Education and Central Office Administration to our school.  We are grateful for the ongoing support of both our Board of Education and Central Administrators.  In Mrs. Van Tronk, Mrs. Orlando, and Mrs. Castranova's class we observed the use of flexible seating during Readers Workshop.  In Mrs. McGinness, Mrs. Campbell, and Ms. Jamotta's class we witnessed repeated addition with multiplication.  In fifth grade Mrs. Lukas, Mr. Edwards, and Ms. Brandine's students were participating in a team building activity and creating their own Heart Maps.  In Mrs. Smith's class students were learning about erosion and in Mrs. Fine and Mrs. Sullivan's class students were comparing attributes of previous hurricanes to Hurricane Irma.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Dayton Avenue School 1st Day Video!

Faculty and staff enjoyed welcoming students back to school for the 2017-2018.  Enjoy the video below.

Keep on Smiling at Dayton Avenue School.

 Students, faculty and staff walk the hallways, enjoy lunch with friends, and begin building relationships as if they never left.  Great to see all these smiling faces.

Dayton Avenue School First Day of School 2017-2018!

We are pleased to open our doors for the 2017-2018 school year.  We greeted our new 3rd grade students and welcomed back our students in grades 4-6.  We are excited to begin our learning journey.  The first day of school provides opportunities to set personal and academic goals.  We also look forward to forging new relationships and strengthening old ones.  So come aboard and enjoy the ride.