Friday, October 28, 2016

PBIS Leader in Me Shark Spirit Week

Dayton Avenue School celebrated our PBIS Leader in Me Shark Spirit Week.  Students showed their school spirit culminating with our PBIS Leader in Me assembly this morning.  Students in Mrs. Castoro's class sung our "Put First Things First" song and our 6th grades competed in Dayton Avenue's version of "What is that Habit" game show.  Stay tuned for the video of the assembly to follow. We have included a version of Mrs. Castoro's class singing their song.

Take A Fire Truck to School

Corinne DeLello was rewarded for her demonstrating kindness to a fellow Manorville community member.  Corinne enjoyed a ride to school courtesy of the Manorville Fire Department.  The entire school came out to cheer her on!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Mrs. Arroyo utilizes Google Classroom in Readers Workshop

Students in Mrs. Arroyo's class utilized Google Classroom following Mrs. Arroyo's mini-lesson on character traits.  The essential question was "What are the Character Traits in a Leader?"  Students worked collaboratively and shared their responses aloud.  Students watched an EdPuzzle video on the life of Rosa Parks and answered the questions provided.  Mrs. Arroyo utilizes this data to assess what students know and still have questions about.

Mrs. Breheny and Mrs. Scanlon in Readers Workshop

Mrs. Breheny and Mrs. Scanlon facilitated a Readers Workshop the included two guided reading groups and students working independently in EdPuzzle through their Google Classroom accounts.  Mrs. Breheny facilitated a guided reading group on the life of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife  Coretta Scott King.  Mrs. Scanlon facilitated a guided reading group that examined Author's Purpose.  Students worked independently in EdPuzzle to learn about the Civil Rights Movement.

Mrs. Campbell's Class Gets Ready for the Day

Students in Mrs. Campbell's class get ready for a successful day of learning during morning meeting.  Students worked collaboratively and interacted with classroom technology.

Mrs. Rubin works on Sequencing in Readers Workshop

Students in Mrs. Rubin's class collaborated with one another during a sequencing activity.  Following the mini-lesson students worked independently and in guided reading groups.

Figurative Language in Readers Workshop

Mrs. Kerins facilitated a lesson during Readers Workshop on the use of figurative language.  Technology was integrated and students worked collaboratively to deepen their understanding of how and why and author uses similes and metaphors.

Dr. Distributive Performs Mathematical Operation

Dr. Distributive (a.k.a Mrs. Orlando) and her nurse, Mrs. Van Tronk performed a mathematical operation as they worked with 3rd grade students on developing an understanding of the distributive property.  Based on formative feedback through out the lesson the operation was a 100% success.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Mrs. Castoro and Mrs. Castranova Integrate Service Learning into Readers Workshop

Mrs. Castoro and Mrs. Castranova's students examined the anchor text Destiny's Gift and an online informational text discussing Global Youth Service Day to integrate our Service Learning initiative into the context of Readers Workshop.  Students made text to text and text to self comparisons throughout the lesson.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Summer Reading Red Carpet Spectacular

Boys and Girls at Dayton Avenue School who challenged themselves over the summer with a rigorous reading schedule and authentic assessment aligned with their reading were rewarded with a walk down the Dayton Avenue School Hollywood Walk of Reading Fame.  Congratulations to everyone involved.

Friday, October 7, 2016

3rd Grade Math and Writing

Students in Mrs. Rubin's class are demonstrating their math skills by building Fruit Loop arrays.  I cannot think of a tastier way to learn.  In writing, students brainstorm sensory details for their Autumn writing assignment.

The Sunken Meadow Experience

Students in 6th grade participated in the Outdoor Environmental Educational Science experience.  This trip not only provides students with hands-on science experiences and nature hike it also includes a team building component for our students as they develop their team and community identity with one another.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Integrating 7 Habits of Happy Kids in 5th Grade

The Cookie Cutter Sharks in Mrs. Lukas, Mrs. Edwards, and Ms. Drost's class examined the qualities of a good leader by examining the 7 Habits of Happy Kids.