Monday, January 25, 2016

Mrs. Rubin's Class Explores Simple Circuits

Boys and Girls in Mrs. Rubin's class put their understanding of the scientific method and electricity to work.  Students were engaged in a hands-on exploration of simple circuits the included collaboration among classmates.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Promoting Teamwork in Physical Education

Students collaborated with one another in physical education class by playing the human version of Hungry-Hungry-Hippo.

Fitness Leaders Run Shark Shack

Dayton Avenue School Fitness Leaders run our school store, The Shark Shack.  Students have the opportunity to redeem their "Shark Bites" for demonstrating Safe, Honest, Accountable, Respectful, Kind, and Success behavior (S.H.A.R.K.S) as part of our Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) system.

Future Scientists in Mrs. Tester's Class

4th grade students in Mrs. Tester's class honed their scientific skills as they conducted an owl pellet lab in science class. Students learned about the owl digestive system and eating habits through the analysis of the owl pellets.  

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Future Engineers at Dayton Avenue School

Students in 3rd and 6th grade design systems and complex robots.  Students are challenged to think critically and apply their understanding of science and math.  Our 3rd grade student created a design that illustrated a chain reaction while in 6th grade we had a student program a robot that creates an algorithm to solve the Rubix Cube.  Keep up the good work.  

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

3rd Grade Literacy Collaborative

Students were hard at work in Mrs. Defeo and Mrs. Orlando's class during Readers Workshop.  Students were reading and working independently while Mrs. Defeo and Mrs. Orlando met with guided reading groups.