Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Finch Robots on the Move

Dayton Avenue Students are working collaboratively in the Library Media Center coding Finch Robots.  The coding unit is a result of a grant we secured through Carnegie Melon University.  Cameron Capozzi, a 6th grade student stated, "Finch Robots are brain teasing fun and an interesting learning tool.  His colleague Aaron Vogt noted, "The fun never ends with these Finch Robots."  Not only are they engaging and fun the coding of the Finch Robots require critical thinking skills, vision, and social literacy.  Cameron and Aaron have applied sophisticated computer science coding into their project.  

3rd Grade Rain Forest at Dayton Avenue

Students in 3rd grade transformed their classrooms and hallway into the Brazilian Rain Forest as part of their social studies curriculum.  Teachers and students worked on hands-on activities that deepened their understanding of the rain forest and fostered collaboration.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

ESMPLC Supports Literacy and Technology Integration

Faculty and staff from across the school district are benefiting from the expertise of their colleagues.  The ESMPLC is designed to enhance the pedagogy of faculty and staff.  The PLC classess support district initiatives through coming together to learn from our resident experts and one another in a collegial setting.  Dayton Avenue faculty Jen Arroyo, Jean Marie Zambelli, and Erin Marone are facilitating PLC courses at Dayton Avenue this Spring.

3rd Grade Celebrates Earth Day

Students in Mrs. Defeo's class spearheaded an Earth Day Celebration for the entire 3rd grade.  The students were fortunate to be led in song by Junior-Senior High School History teacher the esteemed, Mr. Defeo.  This was a great way to demonstrate our pride for our environment and come together as community.